Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Ancient Egypt & EC 1.1

We watched a documentary (embedded below) on ancient Egypt that also addressed the concept of archaeology.  There were no guided questions, but you were focus on how we interpret relics in order to recreate what life was like in the (in this case, distant) past.

With the remaining time, I offered your first extra credit opportunity (EC 1.1)...the Ancient Egypt Movie Pitch, which requires three completed components: (Due Friday 9-19)
  1. Brainstorm all of the things related to Ancient Egypt that come to mind.  We made a partial list in class.  What else could you add?
  2. Develop a movie pitch.  Writers and directors usually have 1-5 minutes to explain an idea to producers in order to secure funding and get the green light to further develop their film.  Develop a full story.  You must have a protagonist (main star) and there must be some sort of conflict.  There must be a beginning, middle, and end, along with some big moments (big action sequence, revealed secret, scary setting, etc.).  It should be no more than a page long; 2-3 paragraphs MAXIMUM.
  3. Design and Create a movie poster for the story.  Must be on a large sheet of paper - color or B&W is OK.  Try to incorporate images from your pitched movie as well as some sort of slogan or tag line.

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