Monday, April 20, 2015

Paths of Glory

We started "Paths of Glory" today, but started by reading the handout and explaining how to fill in the character analysis. We'll finish the film in class tomorrow and discuss it on Wednesday.  You can watch the first 45 minutes here (I hope).

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Holocaust & History

In accordance with Holocaust Remembrance Day, I decided to screen episode 20 of "World at War: Genocide" in class today.  It is beyond sad - so much so that I could not watch it yet again by 6th period.  One of my concerns has always been the fear that people could become desensitized - stop feeling - if exposed to such horrors repeatedly.

I know it was a brief jump forward, but we'll align things correctly by the end of the week.

WIL 4.2 Why Study History?
What is the purpose of History?  Why study it?  Why is it important to remember the Holocaust?

WWI Trench Warfare

We learned about Trench Warfare in class by watching parts of a video and a brief lecture.  Remember trench foot?  Yummy!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

WWI Causes

You picked up three handouts yesterday that were to be completed in class today - with help from the substitute.  I was out due to a family thing, and returned to find that things were not done as instructed.  We'll go through it on Friday.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Great War Beginnings

I showed you a video about the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand after explaining MANIA:

  • Militarism
  • Alliances
  • Nationalism
  • Imperialism
  • Assassination

You picked up some handouts that will be used if I am out tomorrow:
  Militarism Political Cartoon (Analyze with Sub)
  WWI Before & After Maps (Use Maps below)
     Europe 1914
     German Territory LOST after The Great War (WWI)
     Europe 1918
  Diplomatic Maneuvers

When I return, we'll look at the horrible type of combat used in WWI.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

More Marx & WIL 4.1

We watched an interesting biography on Karl Marx, presented by British Sociopolitical Comic Philosopher Mark Steel.

WIL 4.1 Cooperation vs Competition
Consider the difference between Capitalism (Smith) & Socialism (Marx).  Which leads to more advances or improvement upon human civilization?  Which do you value more?

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Economics Becomes Official

You picked up the Smith Marx Carnegie Hobson Kipling Packet.  Difficult Readings, I know.  But we got through Smith & Marx together.  You'll watch something about Marx in class tomorrow.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Metternich's Balance of Power

You picked up a packet (World Metternich Rise & Failure of).  We read through the first page as a class.  You then worked on the chart on your own or with peers.  We also went through the first two political cartoons.  You will do the "Emerging Political System" chart on Tuesday.