We watched "2081," a short film based on Kurt Vonnegut's novella, "Harrison Bergeron." It is one of my favorite short films (and novellas) EVER. You answered some opening questions in your notebook, and we'll discuss some post-viewing questions on Friday. These will be counted as one of your exams, by the way.
EC WIL 4.3 Due Friday
What is your lesson from history? What did you gain from my course? What will you take with you and apply in your life...hopefully in order to make the world a better place for all?
A daily record of what is going on in my world history class at Washburn High School
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Friday, May 29, 2015
WIL 4.6 Nietzsche
German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) once stated, "There are no facts, only interpretations." Apply this to your (IB) Historical Research or Concept Map/MindMap Project. What is more important...the facts of what happened or the interpretations of those facts (and how they not only affected those at the time, but continue to affect us through today)?
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
MindMap/Concept Map
So, you were officially assigned your Concept Map or Mindmap. It's due by next Weds (6-3).
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Castro - Man with the Beard
You picked up a handout and used the comic pages below to answer one part. Links to videos are also below:
“Fidel: The Untold Story” 3:47
“RetroBites: Fidel Castro(1959)” interview with Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)2:50
“20/20 Fidel Castrointerview - Barbara Walters [3of6]” Walters is an American journalist 6:37
“Huber Matos: sutestimonio” Matos was an early supporter of Castro, but became critical ofCommunism & Castro – he served 20 years in a Cuban prison. 8:22
“Fidel: The Untold Story” 3:47
“RetroBites: Fidel Castro(1959)” interview with Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)2:50
“20/20 Fidel Castrointerview - Barbara Walters [3of6]” Walters is an American journalist 6:37
“Huber Matos: sutestimonio” Matos was an early supporter of Castro, but became critical ofCommunism & Castro – he served 20 years in a Cuban prison. 8:22
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Man with the Beard (1959) 1of4 |
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Man with the Beard (1959) 2of4 |
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Man with the Beard (1959) 3of4 |
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Man with the Beard (1959) 4of4 |
Friday, May 1, 2015
Show up to Class? EXTRA CREDIT!!!
Extra Credit WIL - a repeat from earlier in the year - opportunity for those who graced me with their presence!
No-shows can't do this one.
What is ONE thing you learned from my course that you found new, interesting, relevant, and will stick with you for a long time? Explain why or how this is so...
What is it?
Why is it (still) important?
How will being aware of it & its place in history be useful in your (future) life?
Monday, April 20, 2015
Paths of Glory
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Holocaust & History
In accordance with Holocaust Remembrance Day, I decided to screen episode 20 of "World at War: Genocide" in class today. It is beyond sad - so much so that I could not watch it yet again by 6th period. One of my concerns has always been the fear that people could become desensitized - stop feeling - if exposed to such horrors repeatedly.
I know it was a brief jump forward, but we'll align things correctly by the end of the week.
WIL 4.2 Why Study History?
What is the purpose of History? Why study it? Why is it important to remember the Holocaust?
I know it was a brief jump forward, but we'll align things correctly by the end of the week.
WIL 4.2 Why Study History?
What is the purpose of History? Why study it? Why is it important to remember the Holocaust?
WWI Trench Warfare
We learned about Trench Warfare in class by watching parts of a video and a brief lecture. Remember trench foot? Yummy!
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
WWI Causes
You picked up three handouts yesterday that were to be completed in class today - with help from the substitute. I was out due to a family thing, and returned to find that things were not done as instructed. We'll go through it on Friday.
Monday, April 13, 2015
Great War Beginnings
I showed you a video about the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand after explaining MANIA:
You picked up some handouts that will be used if I am out tomorrow:
Militarism Political Cartoon (Analyze with Sub)
WWI Before & After Maps (Use Maps below)
Europe 1914
German Territory LOST after The Great War (WWI)
Europe 1918
Diplomatic Maneuvers
When I return, we'll look at the horrible type of combat used in WWI.
- Militarism
- Alliances
- Nationalism
- Imperialism
- Assassination
You picked up some handouts that will be used if I am out tomorrow:
Militarism Political Cartoon (Analyze with Sub)
WWI Before & After Maps (Use Maps below)
Europe 1914
German Territory LOST after The Great War (WWI)
Europe 1918
Diplomatic Maneuvers
When I return, we'll look at the horrible type of combat used in WWI.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
More Marx & WIL 4.1
We watched an interesting biography on Karl Marx, presented by British Sociopolitical Comic Philosopher Mark Steel.
WIL 4.1 Cooperation vs Competition
Consider the difference between Capitalism (Smith) & Socialism (Marx). Which leads to more advances or improvement upon human civilization? Which do you value more?
WIL 4.1 Cooperation vs Competition
Consider the difference between Capitalism (Smith) & Socialism (Marx). Which leads to more advances or improvement upon human civilization? Which do you value more?
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Economics Becomes Official
You picked up the Smith Marx Carnegie Hobson Kipling Packet. Difficult Readings, I know. But we got through Smith & Marx together. You'll watch something about Marx in class tomorrow.
Monday, April 6, 2015
Metternich's Balance of Power
You picked up a packet (World Metternich Rise & Failure of). We read through the first page as a class. You then worked on the chart on your own or with peers. We also went through the first two political cartoons. You will do the "Emerging Political System" chart on Tuesday.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Grades Done!*
Except for the Extra Credit, which could add up to 7% and I still need to figure out how to enter your MidQuarter Exam 3.2.
In class, we finished The Mission, a beautifully framed film with the best film score...EVER. You were also given an extra credit opportunity (complete Part I and choose either Part II or Part III) due when you return on Monday.
In class, we finished The Mission, a beautifully framed film with the best film score...EVER. You were also given an extra credit opportunity (complete Part I and choose either Part II or Part III) due when you return on Monday.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Connections & WIL 3.6 (3-18-15)
We watched one of my favorite videos today, "Connections 08: Eat, Drink, and Be Merry" (embedded below). There was a handout (coming later). We decided that the Q3 Final Exam will be on Tuesday, for which you'll get a Study guide tomorrow - NO NOTES CAN BE USED DURING THE EXAM!
WIL 3.6 Human or Technology?
Connections: Eat, Drink and Be Merry by charlesmo2012
WIL 3.6 Human or Technology?
Which is more important for the advancement of human civilization: humans with ideas, relationships, feelings, etc.? Or technology which helps shape ideas, establish and maintain relationships, etc.? Or, simply write what you learned in and out of class and maybe mention what you gained by completing the Essay project (or not).
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
French Rev - Napoleon (3-18-15)
We completed Day 2 (depending upon your test schedule) today, which included a lecture (with slides) about the French Revolution. You also picked up some additional worksheets specific to the man who would nearly conquer ALL of Europe. We'll watch a video about Napoleon tomorrow and then another cool story on Friday.
Monday, March 16, 2015
French Revolution & Napoleon & MCAs (3-17-15)
You picked up some handouts as we plowed through yet another MCA testing week - so disruptive, I know.
Day 1 - Complete Chart(s)
Three Estates & FrenchRev Chronology
Day 2 - Pie Chart & Timeline & Brief Lecture
Day 3 - Napoleon Height & Video (24 mins)
Friday: Napoleon Crossing Alps & in Russia
Day 1 - Complete Chart(s)
Three Estates & FrenchRev Chronology
Day 2 - Pie Chart & Timeline & Brief Lecture
Day 3 - Napoleon Height & Video (24 mins)
Friday: Napoleon Crossing Alps & in Russia
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Enlightenment Chart & Peermarks (3-12-15)
Last day to finish PeerMarks and Enlightenment Chart.
WIL 3.5 Faith & Reason
Read about the perceived conflict between Faith and Reason. Which is more important to a society? Belief in something and supporting that belief through all criticisms? Or reasoning through problems, even if their solutions break the foundations upon which a society was based? Basically, are beliefs more important than facts? Or vice-versa? Or, you can simply write about what you learned this week.
WIL 3.5 Faith & Reason
Read about the perceived conflict between Faith and Reason. Which is more important to a society? Belief in something and supporting that belief through all criticisms? Or reasoning through problems, even if their solutions break the foundations upon which a society was based? Basically, are beliefs more important than facts? Or vice-versa? Or, you can simply write about what you learned this week.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Absolutism & Enlightenment (3-9-15)
We have a weird schedule over the next four days due to MCA testing, followed by the same weirdness next week..
Day 1: Pick up Enlightenment Chart; Take notes on Absolutism.
Day 2: Complete PeerMarks (5 total) of Essay Draft 2; Work on Enlightenment Chart
Day 3: Complete Enlightenment Chart
Friday: Watch "Mankind, Story of ALL of Us"
Day 1: Pick up Enlightenment Chart; Take notes on Absolutism.
Day 2: Complete PeerMarks (5 total) of Essay Draft 2; Work on Enlightenment Chart
Day 3: Complete Enlightenment Chart
Friday: Watch "Mankind, Story of ALL of Us"
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Aztecs Engineer an Empire (3-5-15)
Some big shakeups here. You will NOT be allowed to use notes for tomorrow's Exam 3.2, so I suggest you spend some time going over your class handouts and notes at some point this evening. You'll have about 10 minutes tomorrow to study before you start the exam, but that should simply be a refresher.
I collected the "Into the Light" Draft 1 Peer Edits and then returned them to you at the end of class. Draft 2 must be submitted via turnitin by Monday evening. We'll take a day next week (Tues or Weds) for you to PeerEdit Draft 2. The Final Draft is due the 20th.
In class today, we watched "Engineering an Empire: Aztecs" while you answered some Guiding Questions.
I collected the "Into the Light" Draft 1 Peer Edits and then returned them to you at the end of class. Draft 2 must be submitted via turnitin by Monday evening. We'll take a day next week (Tues or Weds) for you to PeerEdit Draft 2. The Final Draft is due the 20th.
In class today, we watched "Engineering an Empire: Aztecs" while you answered some Guiding Questions.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Americas BEFORE Columbus Ruined It (2-25-15)
You picked up two handouts today:
- Map: Early Civilizations in the Americas (Chapter 15 red/11 blue)
- Treaty of Tordesillas & Population Decline
Please use the maps below to label & color your map. Yes, I walked you through this one in about 10 minutes so you'd have time to do other things!
- Shorten some names: Pacific, Miss, Amazon, Rockies, Andes, Yucatan, Caribbean, Appalachians
- DO NOT LABEL: Valley of Mexico, Tucano, Mataeao, Araucanian, Arawak, Copan, Mesa Verde, Cuzcu)
- Only use color for Aztec, Maya, and Inca empires (include a key)
- Place a star on Lake Titicaca (yes, "boob poop" in a terrible translation)
- Make sure you answer the questions!
WIL 3.4 Cause & Effect
Is the "before" that caused a change more important than the "after" effects that resulted? Which is more important to know & study?
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Africa: A History Denied (2-24-15)
We watched a sad, yet interesting video, "Africa: A history Denied" which showed how Europeans not only exploited Africa's resources, but also re-interpreted and rewrote the history of an entire continent. You completed a Viewing Guide as well.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Scramble for Africa (2-23-15)
Friday, February 20, 2015
Africa - Way Back Then (2-20-15)
You picked up a handout with TWO outline maps of Africa and used the maps below as your information source. Due Monday.
Your essay (rough draft) is due by 11:59PM TONIGHT via Turnitin. Some of you may have used class time to get it uploaded...just make sure you complete your maps by Monday.
No end or beginning...simply a moment caught in time, so it is difficult to see cause & effect, just like the topic of your essay, which is due by 11:59PM TONIGHT.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Into the Light - FINAL PREP (2-19-15)
We simply went through connections between each event of your essay. You then had class time to finalize your research or writing your actual essay, which is due by Friday at 11:59 PM!
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Mankind 6: Survivors (2-18-15)
We watched another episode of "Mankind: Story of All All of us" - Episode 6: Survivors, which should help you with the essay.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
"Into the Light" Essay Prep - Chart, Page 2 (2-17-15)
I gave you the entire class period to complete the back page of your "Into the Light" chart that you will need if you are going to write a good essay - your rough draft is due this Friday, via turnitin. I suggested that you start with the following layout after choosing what you believe to have had the biggest impact on human civilization (from Printing Press, Martin Luther's "Revolt", Heliocentric Theory, or Scientific Method):
5 paragraphs
5-8 sentences each
1 - Intro
2 - Affected ____ by ___
3 - Affected ____ by ___
4 - Affected ____ by ___
5 - Conclusion
5 paragraphs
5-8 sentences each
1 - Intro
2 - Affected ____ by ___
3 - Affected ____ by ___
4 - Affected ____ by ___
5 - Conclusion
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Exam 3.1 Preparation
You used Google and/or the textbook in order to fill in the Study Guide. I even made a shared GDoc into which you could crowdsource some answers. I'll make copied for everyone at the end of class - if you want it.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Into the Light Chart
You picked up a study guide for Thursday's exam. We went through the front side of the chart you will use for your essay. My notes are available. You also wrote down some important due dates for the essay:
- Fri, Feb 20 11:59 PM: Draft 1 Due
- Thurs, Feb 26 4PM: PeerMark 1 Due (5 total)
- Fri, March 6 11:59 PM: Draft 2 Due
- Thurs, Mar 12 4PM: PeerMark 1 Due (5 total)
- Fri March 20 11:59 PM: FINAL DRAFT DUE
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Perspective & WIL 3.3
started by drawing a selfie of you sitting in the 50th row at a concert with
_____ performing on stage in the background. You signed your work and
turned it in. I expect shudders in the graves of a Renaissance Master.
I then introduced you to the "Master" teaching and questionable tactics used in many schools of art back in the day. This led to the exploration of math and science...basically how perspective changed art forever...which then changed our own view of the world (and our place within it).
Then we concluded with some interesting vids about the most famous painting in the history of the world...the Kardashian of art, if you will (famous for being famous).
I then introduced you to the "Master" teaching and questionable tactics used in many schools of art back in the day. This led to the exploration of math and science...basically how perspective changed art forever...which then changed our own view of the world (and our place within it).
Then we concluded with some interesting vids about the most famous painting in the history of the world...the Kardashian of art, if you will (famous for being famous).
I concluded by showing you How to Eat an Apple Like a Boss. Perspective. It changes the way we see and experience the world, opening up a new range of opportunities...and wasting less in the process.
WIL 3.3 Art vs Science (2-6-14)
Which is more valuable to study and know about? As always, explain your reasoning.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Science Revises the Heavens
We discussed the Scientific Method and Copernicus' new view of the heavens. You picked up two handouts:, which were completed in class:
Copernican Revolution
Scientific Revolution
Copernican Revolution
Scientific Revolution
Friday, January 30, 2015
Printing Press (1-30-15)
We continued our preparation for this quarter's project, an essay addressing the following question:
Which reform or discovery has had a more profound (important) impact on humanity (culture/society as a whole?
-Martin Luther's Revolt ( I think we've covered this pretty well thus far)
-Printing Press (addressed in the video we watched today)
-Scientific Method (addressed a little bit in yesterday's reading)
-Heliocentric Theory (also addressed a little bit in yesterday's reading)
Which reform or discovery has had a more profound (important) impact on humanity (culture/society as a whole?
-Martin Luther's Revolt ( I think we've covered this pretty well thus far)
-Printing Press (addressed in the video we watched today)
-Scientific Method (addressed a little bit in yesterday's reading)
-Heliocentric Theory (also addressed a little bit in yesterday's reading)
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Protestantism Map, Science, & WIL 3.2 (1-29-15)
You picked up a map handout with some Essay Advice on the back side. Use the map in this blog entry to label and color your outline map (click on it to make it bigger - and ZOOM in if necessary).
But we started class by creating & sharing a WIL 3.2 Document, then reading pages 540, 541, and 545 of the textbook. We'll look at Ptolemy, Copernicus, Galileo, and Bacon (Scientific Method) in class tomorrow.
ALL of these things will be mined for your essay this quarter. The essay is the Q3 project, which will require at least TWO ROUGH DRAFTS.
WIL 3.2 Being Wrong
How do you react when people tell you that you are wrong? How do you go about telling others that they are wrong? What if you're BOTH right and/or wrong? Try to connect this with the topic being studied: Protestant Reformation
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Protestant Reformation Vid (1-28-15)
You picked up a handout with questions related to a video I showed in class. Yes, it is dry, but I like the slow pace with relevant images presented. We also read through the Diet of Worms handout from yesterday.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Luther's Revolt (1-27-15)
You read pages 412-415 of the textbook before we read through "Luther's Address to German Nobility" and looked at the Diet of Worms (which we'll go over in class tomorrow)
Monday, January 26, 2015
Course Registration & Utopia(1-26-15)
We went through your course options for next year, including electives. We then read through the Thomas More's Utopia handout.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Go to the Renaissance Folder on the Shared Google Drive. Navigate through World 05.1 Renaissance and open "World 5.1.4 Lorenzo de Medici" which we will read as a class - read the questions and answer them in your notes. Then read through "World 5.1.3 Perfect Courtier" and do the same.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Castles, Military laws, WIL 2.6 (1-8-15)
You picked up a Study Guide for the semester Final Exam.
You presented your castles today (well, those of you who actually did one). We then read through the "Laws Governing Military Households" from the Tokugawa Japan packet.
WIL 2.6 Mo' Money
You have a (legal) opportunity to make more money than your fellow workers, but it involves a degree of deception (lying - hiding the truth). Do you do it? Explain your reasoning. What is the "cost" of making your decision?
You presented your castles today (well, those of you who actually did one). We then read through the "Laws Governing Military Households" from the Tokugawa Japan packet.
WIL 2.6 Mo' Money
You have a (legal) opportunity to make more money than your fellow workers, but it involves a degree of deception (lying - hiding the truth). Do you do it? Explain your reasoning. What is the "cost" of making your decision?
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Japan - Tokugawa (1-6-15)
You picked up a packet (Tokugawa Japan) that we started in class today. We read through the first page (both sides) as a class - you completed the questions on your own).
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