Monday, November 24, 2014

Exam 2.1 Prep

I changed things up for tomorrow's exam.  It will be all about Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam).  I'll move the Middle Ages material to Exam 2.2 (the Thursday or Friday before Winter Break).  I gave you a Study Guide in class and time to prepare.  You CAN use your notebooks...NO HANDOUTS for the exam.

You picked up a note card and answered the following:

  1. What is prejudice?  
  2. What role would it play in a crusade (for cause)?
  3. Is there any issue today that could draw you away from home in order to join numerous other people in a sort of crusade?
  4. Explore the situation of a refugee
    • What are the causes for leaving home?
    • Where does one go?
    • How are refugees usually treated?

Friday, November 21, 2014

Middle Ages = Age of Faith

I went through some slides today (even with my bad voice).  It is vital because your exam next week will be a quiz based solely on today's lecture & slides.  You CANNOT use notes!!!   You are working on paying attention and moving information from short-term into long-term memory for quicker recall.  Trust me, it is an important skill.  The slides are available.

Extra Credit 2.1 opportunity will be presented on Monday (related to something gross).

Thursday, November 20, 2014

WIL 2.3

We simply went through yesterday's work.  I'll upload KEYs tomorrow.

WIL 2.3 Religion's Purpose (must be submitted via tunritin by 4PM Monday!)
What is the purpose of religion?  What does it provide to individuals and groups? Why is it so important to so many people - leading to countless wars and deaths?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Medieval Economic Systems

We looked at the Medieval Economic System in Europe.  As we went through the packet, you took notes!  The key is understanding relationships:

  • Church & Crown
  • Lord & Vassal
  • Land & Taxation
  • Wants & Needs
  • Individual & Community

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Crusades Today?

We finished the Economics Slides from Friday.  Then I gave you some time to finish your worksheet from yesterday's video.  The Middle East will ALWAYS be a hotbed of conflict.  Too sad, really.  We concluded with a discussion on Memory and it's role in the concept of Love & Hate as well as  Forgive & Forget.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Israel & Palestine: Roots of Conflict

We jumped forward in time to look at the "Roots of Conflict" between Israel & the Palestinians.  The whole thing IS a mess, because it's ALWAYS been a mess.  We can trace this back to the Crusades and the centuries of distrust it promoted.  You got a handout, pre-read the questions, watched the video (embedded), and then answered the questions, which we will go over as a class tomorrow.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Econ Basics

I simply lectured about Economics - Basic Principles.  You picked up a handout and I went through some slides.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Empires & Change

We watched "Mankind, Story of ALL of US: Empires" as a final stab (bad pun) at Christianity and the first global faith. It reconnects with things we've already studied so as to better understand the Crusades and Europe's "Age of Faith" during the Middle Ages - after the fall of the Roman Empire(s)

WIL 2.2 Successful Movement
What is more important to a successful movement for change...the Leader(s) or the Follower(s)?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Crusades Intro & Map

I started a lecture, but we then jumped into a reading (Crusades Intro & Chronology).
You (hopefully) completed your Crusades map (Back page is a chart of  the First, Second, & Third Crusades - Due Friday) using the one at left as a reference.  Tomorrow, we'll watch a (somewhat cheesy) video about the Crusades...what if a modern day news channel covered it?

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Religion - almost done...

We simply went through the Religion Chart & Islam Info Worksheet.  We'll look at how the spread of Islam led to the Crusades being called fro by European Christians, leading us down the road of perpetual war over land that has little economic value even today.  From the Crusades, we branch out to the Middle Ages and then come back to look at empires in Africa and the Americas that were conquered by European explorers.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Venn & Bible Stories

We will go over the Religion Chart & Islam Worksheet in class BOTH MUST BE DONE!

In class today, we completed a Venn Diagram (in small groups...then as a class).  We also watched a Simpsons episode that had three segments taking a different approach to well-known Bible stories.  Regardless of whether or not you or others believe them, stories from MANY religions and cultures have been adopted by our present-day culture.  For each, you wrote a summary and then we deconstructed it. There was a handout.

By the end of the week, we'll have started the Crusades and looked at how the Middle Ages of Europe were not so charming with dashing princes and princesses with lovely long hair.  It really was disgusting.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Romo's Away...Do NOT Play!

I am gone for a meeting with other AVID & IB-MYP Coordinators, so we were all spared of one-another for at least one day!  Please plow through today's handout and finish your previous Religion Chart, if necessary.  You picked up a handout (Islam Info Worksheet) and "YahGooBin"ed your way to filling it out (You could also find a lot in chapter 6 of the textbook).  We'll go through your COMPLETED Religion Chart, COMPLETED Islam Info Worksheet, and finish reading the "Islam Divided" handout on Monday.  Do not forget to submit WIL 2.1 vie the shared Google Folder by the beginning of class on Monday!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Islam & WIL 2.1

We read through 1.5 handouts (you'll finish the 2nd one on Friday):
          Spread of Islam          Islam Divided
I find this area of study fascinating.  I hope my interest rubs off a little.  Please know that, while I am not a very religious person, it is such a part of human culture that everyone should be mindful of others and at least understand and accept people with various interests and viewpoints.  It's simply too sad that so many conflicts can be traced to religious differences.

WIL 2.1 Moral Decisions
We have been learning about religion and how Jewish monotheism was a new concept that truly transformed the world.  Over half of the world's population self-identifies as being Jewish, Christian, or Muslim.  If this is true, why do so many people who claim to be religious make decisions that go against the basic tenets (principles or teachings) of their chosen religion?  
Look at how you make important decisions in life.  What factors do you consider?  What, or who, guides you in finding solutions to whatever questions you are facing?

Remember that WIL 2.1 MUST BE SUBMITTED VIA GOOGLE DRIVE!!!  Rename your document by copying and editing the following (the link should take you to the folder):

5World WIL 2.1 Last, First

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Hey Zeus Revealed

We watched something about "Hey Zeus' (and YES, there is a reason for the wordplay).  I asked that you take notes and periodically shared what I wrote.  We'll finish and discuss tomorrow while also looking at how Islam spread and divided, leading to some MAJOR conflicts today. I could NOT find the video online (weird, I know).